Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Paranormal romance author Karen Magill's latest book, Let Us Play , takes us into the world of Rock and Roll. Only hers is a world where Rock and Roll music has been banned. To learn more about Karen, visit www.karenmagill.com . Also, check out Pump Up Your Book Promotion site for information about her blog tour, with synopsis and sample chapter.

MEA: Thank you, Karen, for stopping by my Potpourri of Writing blog and visiting with me. I've read that your love of music and dislike of censorship inspired this book. Since readers frequently ask, "Where did you get the idea of your story?" could you give more details about what inspired this book or how you came to write it?

KAREN: First of all, thank you for having me here. As to answer your question. The PMRC in the nineties inspired Let Us Play in a way. The movie Footloose played a part as well as the album Kilroy was here by Styx. All these things in addition to the idea of too much government control over our lives. It isn't only music that is censored, that is just what I chose to write on.

MEA: With your writing, do you plan your books, such as outlining, or do the characters sort of take over and write your book for you?

KAREN: I don't tend to outline, I write more by the seat of my pants as they say and with Let Us Play the characters really took over. In fact they became so alive for me that when I wasn't writing I had to remind myself that they weren't real.

MEA: Do you work on one book at a time or have a number of projects going so you can turn to one if you reach a block with a current one?

KAREN: I try to stick to one project but that doesn't always work. Many times I have more than one thing going. I am still trying to get the sequel going to Let Us Play, I have bits and pieces written here and there .

MEA: Since series are so popular now, I wondered if you saw this book as part of a series. You partly answered it above, but I wondered if you could give us more detail. For instance, some writers say that one of the minor characters becomes so important to them they decide they must do a book about him or her.

KAREN: The second is going to be entitled Truth, Justice and Rock and Roll or TJR and it will center on one of the other characters. Because there are so many characters in Let Us Play, I could keep writing for a while just drawing from it.

MEA: What would you like your readers to learn or take away from Let Us Play?

KAREN: The authority figures are not always right and sometimes those rebels are. Fight for what you believe in but remember that there are always consequences to your actions. Most of all, long live rock 'n roll.

MEA: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

KAREN: Just give me and the book a chance. You can learn more at www.karenmagill.com or www.lulu. com/karenmagill and at both places you can download a free ebook entitled Rock Raff Remembered. This contains articles, interviews, etc. from which I used to run a weekly newsletter on music entitled Rock Raff. And thank you for having me.

MEA: Thank you, Karen, for visiting with me. I've enjoyed having you stop by Mary Emma's Potpourri of Writing. May you have much success with Let Us Play and your future books.

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